In January, CREOKS Director of Addiction & Recovery Services Amanda Hammack presented at the 8th Annual Beyond Awareness Educational Summit for The Demand Project. This organization is dedicated to eradicating human trafficking, online predators, and the sexual exploitation of children.
“Human trafficking is a widespread crisis and $150 billion industry in the U.S. with more than 300,000 victims each year,” Hammack said.
The Demand Project’s strategy to combat these startling statistics and the lives they represent involves four goals.
- Prevention by educating and empowering the community to stay safe against predators and traffickers
- Protection by fighting the buyers who create the demand side of trafficking through civil litigation
- Recovery by assisting law enforcement, courts, and the community in the recovery of human trafficking victims
- Restoration by a victim-centered, trauma-informed approach that focuses on restoring victims to survivors
The Demand Project’s response to the darkest parts of humanity is a message of hope. “Together, we can stop trafficking before it starts and help survivors heal,” Hammack said.